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  • Artists who have collaborated in the workshop (selection)

    Abel Quezada
    Adriana Lara
    Alejandra España
    Alejandra Laviada
    Alejandro Pintado
    Alexander Zuleta
    Allora & Calzadilla
    Anish Kapoor
    Ann Sofie Axelsson
    Arnaldo Coen
    Ben Vautier
    Benjamín Torres
    Berta Kolteniuk
    Betsabeé Romero
    Carlos Amorales
    Cecilia Paredes
    Cecilia Vázquez
    Chantal Peñalosa
    Daniela Rossell
    Edgar Orlaineta
    Eduardo Sarabia
    Eduardo Terrazas
    Ernesto Morales
    Felipe Ehrenberg
    Francois Boucher
    Hugo Lugo
    Ilse Gradwohl
    Iván Krassoievitch
    Jan Hendrix
    Javier Areán
    Javier Peláez
    Jill Magid
    Jimena García
    Jonathan Hernández
    Jorge Robelo
    José Castro Leñero
    Jose García Ocejo
    José González Veites
    Juan Luis Díaz
    Laureana Toledo
    Liliana Düering
    Manuel Marín
    Marco Treviño
    María Edwards
    Marianna Dellekamp
    Mario García Torres
    Mario Palacios
    Martha Hellion
    Mina Bárcenas
    Minerva Cuevas
    Nicola López
    Omar Barquet
    Omar Rodríguez Graham
    Pablo Vargas Lugo
    Patricia Lagarde
    Paul Muguet
    Pedro Friedeberg
    Pedro Reyes
    Philippa Smith
    Rirkrit Tiravanija
    Rodrigo Tovar
    Rodrigo Valenzuela
    Santiago Cucullu
    Stefan Bruggemann
    Yvonne Venegas

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Anémona Editores is a graphic art publisher that invites visual artists that aim to generate new ways of approaching graphics as a language and plastic expression. This editorial house encourages visual artists to develop plastic proposals that result in specific projects. With the goal to bring art to a wider public, Anemona Editores believes in expanding the art media. Thus, it promotes the collection of graphic art and focuses on the development of new and alternative printing techniques.

Anémona Editores was founded in 2017 based on the work previously done by Taller Pablo Torrealba Gráfica (TPT Gráfica). Its purpose is to disseminate editorial projects to bring high-quality artwork to the market. Therefore, its philosophy is based on the care of the work at all stages: during the process of creation, publication and dissemination, with perseverance and responsibility. The result is a multiple, authentic, unique and unrepeatable original piece of art. The artists' graphic proposal is complemented with input within the production workshops, seeking to exploit to the maximum the versatility offered by graphics as a flexible format both in the use of materials and printing techniques. Artistic production is thus conceived as a process of dialogue, creativity and critic among the different agents involved in the process of artwork creation.